About Toyota Insurance Management


Registration details


Company Registration Number: 10100087388594 
Business Identification Number: 10100087388594








Toyota Insurance Management (insurance brokers) LLP performs insurance broking activity under the License No. 2.3.24 granted by National Bank of Republic of Kazakhstan.








The sole shareholder of Toyota Insurance Management (insurance brokers) LLP is Toyota Isnurance Management SE, registered at  4, Toyota-Alle 5, 50858 Cologne, Germany.








General Director:
Alexandr Khan
Appointed to the role on 23.12.2014

Date of last appointment 04.06.20221


Chief accountant: 
Polina Illarionova

Appointed to the role on 01.09.2021

TIM Licence

Company registration certificate

Company registration certificate






Company performance indicators

Analysis of key performance indicators of "Toyota Insurance Management (Starch Brokers)" LLP



Information about participation in associations


European Business Association of Kazakhstan (EUROBAK)

One Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7WS

October, 2022



Information about the valid civil liability insurance contract


Information about the valid civil liability insurance contract




Information about the created insurance pools


Information about the created insurance pools